Welcoming a kitten

The idea of bringing a new kitten home can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Here are some specific kitty tips that will help make your new friend's welcome warm and long-lasting.
The most desirable age to adopt a kitten is between 8 and 12 weeks of age. Kittens obtained after 12 weeks of age may be more difficult to handle. It will take time for your kitten to adjust to its new environment, and to understand that this is the first step in starting positively.
Place your kitten in a small, quiet place with food, water, and a litter box. As it becomes more comfortable, it can gradually allow you access to other rooms in the house. Talk quietly to your kitten and pet it gently. Establish a regular time and place to feed your kitten.
If you play with your animal and take care of it for at least an hour a day, your animal should feel comfortable with you and its new home. If you have young children, you should make them understand that a kitten is not a toy, but a live animal that must be treated with care and respect. By giving your kitten play toys and a scratcher (instead of her furniture), your kitty will become a great companion.

Cat carrier box
Take your new kitten home in a cat holder to familiarize yourself with this useful invention from the start. The carrier boxes become a familiar and safe place for your kitten when you visit the vet or when traveling, and can keep your curious kitty out of trouble when needed.
Most kittens will understand how to use the litter box if they have spent the first few weeks of their lives with their mother and littermates. You can help your kitty understand what to expect by placing it in the litter box after feeding. Kittens don't need a full-size litter box and might work best in a box with bottom sides (about 1 inch or 2.5 cm).
Litter box training
Keep a close eye on your kitten. When you start snooping around corners or squatting, put it in the litter box. Gently scratch the kitten's front paws on the padding, so you begin to learn that this is the place to deposit and bury litter. If your kitten has an accident, clean it with a paper towel and put the paper towel in the litter box. Then place the kitten in the litter box and repeat the scratching process with its front paws.