Your puppy's medical exam
You should book an appointment at your local vet as soon as you bring your newly adopted puppy. This is what will probably happen during the first visit:
- Meticulous physical examination to determine the health status of your puppy;
- Look for external parasites: fleas, ticks, lice, mites;
- Look for parasitic internal parasites, roundworms if you bring a stool sample;
- The first vaccines will be administered or the types of vaccines your puppy will need to receive will be discussed. Your vet will tell you when to give your puppy;
- Discussion of possible sterilization of your puppy, and if so, the age at which the operation should be performed.

The first medical examination will provide your vet with all the information you need to recommend healthy nutrition and the immediate care you should give your puppy. It will also serve as a "reference" to assess and compare your partner's health during future exams.