Parasites and our pets

Our dogs and cats are treated like family members, that's why we all strive to keep our animals healthy. Here are some tips for you to understand what parasites are and how to treat them.
External parasites generally consist of fleas and ticks. While fleas are visible to the naked eye, mites can only be detected under a microscope.


A pet can have fleas even if it doesn't scratch. Pets are often allergic to flea saliva. As a result, each flea bite causes intense itching, redness of the skin, and small red bumps. Only a few bites in a highly allergic animal can cause a severe reaction. Flea allergy dermatitis in cats and dogs is a very common dermatological condition. The problem is much worse in summer and autumn in areas where winters are cold. In hot climates, it is a problem throughout the year. Fleas reproduce in the animal's environment, that is, at home during winter. If your cat has fleas, don't just treat it, treat all the other animals in the house and the environment. There are a number of dives, sprays or shampoos for flea treatment, in addition to specific treatments, such as pills and spot on.
Ticks are other important parasites. To remove a tick, hold it close to the cat or dog's skin with tweezers. Apply gentle traction to remove all parts of the head and mouth. Don't twist it. Take care not to pierce or crush the body to avoid releasing the eggs to the surroundings. Also, check your pet's environment and treat it accordingly. Ticks jump on your cat or dog as he or she walks through tall grass or bushes. Some pets are allergic to tick bites and can develop what is called a "hot spot," an inflammation that causes the pet to chew and / or lick the area until it ulcerates, often needing medical attention. Some ticks transmit Lyme disease, erlichiosis, or babesiosis, serious diseases from which some animals do not recover. Ask your vet about the risk and medications to fight ticks.

For dogs and cats, the four most important species of mites are:
- Cat notoedres: cause of feline sarcoptic mange. The most common signs are intense itching, the cat is restless and scratches and bites the affected areas. The skin becomes reddish and swollen and hair loss is visible. It is contagious through direct contact with an infected animal, both for humans and for other cats or dogs. It may be necessary to cut hair for treatment;
- Sarcoptes scabiei: It is the most common scabies in dogs, even more so than demodectic, and in fact it is also known as canine scabies, this type of scabies is also identified as scabies. This mite reproduces at high speed and is not part of our dog's skin environment. It is highly contagious, its contagion is by contact and can also affect humans. Therefore, we must handle infested animals with latex gloves. Symptoms usually begin to show up after a week of infection. It is this scabies that produces the most rampant itching, which can lead us to mistakenly think at first that it is a flea infestation. Ideally, detect it as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading and aggravating, since it will then be more resistant to treatment.
- Demodex canis: causes demodicosis in cats and dogs, a non-contagious form of scabies. These mites are natural inhabitants of cat and dog fur and only cause disease when there are associated immune deficiencies. This type of scabies is less common in cats than in dogs, and it is also commonly observed in immunosuppressed puppies.
- Otodectes cynotis: small parasites that live on the surface of the skin lining in the ear canal. The incidence of this mite is much higher in cats than in dogs. They pierce the skin's surface for food, causing inflammation and discomfort. If left untreated, bacterial infections and hearing loss can occur. Some observed signs are: excessive and persistent scratching around the ears; Shaking head; Restless behavior; The ears are painful to the touch and the pet may cry in pain; Visible brown substance in the ears; A smelly smell from the ears.
Ask your vet for specific treatments for each of these mites.
Internal parasites
In pets, the main sites inhabited by internal parasites are the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, pancreas, and liver. Frequently, low amounts of parasites are not detected because the pet shows no clinical signs of infection. Infections generally become pathogenic when large numbers of parasites are present, when they interfere with the normal functioning of the organ they inhabit, or when the cat or dog is malnourished or immunocompromised.
Mosquitoes transmit parasites that invade the heart and circulatory system, causing heartworm disease. This condition is less frequent in cats than in dogs, but its incidence has increased in recent years. This infection can cause signs such as anorexia, cough, fever, shortness of breath, vomiting, and weight loss. The disease can be prevented by having your pet tested every two to three years, as well as by giving your pet a preventative medication during mosquito season and when traveling to hot climates.
Digestive system parasites
Stomach or intestinal parasites can be transmitted in the mother's uterus, through direct contact with an infected animal or by ingesting a parasitized substance. The most important types are roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and lungworms. Roundworm larvae can migrate to the tissues of many animals, including man, if ingested. This infection can be asymptomatic or show some uncomfortable signs, so you should know that your cat has roundworms.
Parasites in your cat or dog can cause diarrhea, vomiting, or developmental delays. A stool exam done twice a year by your vet can detect parasites and quickly remedy the situation. Your vet will direct you to the most effective agent for each of the above parasites.